A tour around the spots...

Publié le par taanlofishingsafaris.over-blog.com

...we have sometimes to check and update fishing spots. Here are a few pictures from last tour on west coast!


Lure Fishing (54)


Shallow area, much current... first cast, adjusted between two coral bummies... hit... slow motion hit... then sudden fantastic rush!! This is a big GT, I am quite sure about it!
Fight is hard, I only use a 80lbs GT rod and this fish is a very respectable opponent!! After a few minutes, I can see it, it's there, about ten meters under the boat!!


Lure Fishing (49)


Nice, very nice fish, over fourty kilos, without any doubt!! But suddenly, CLAC!! Line has inexplicably broken... probably a weak point somewhere. I am so disappointed, and a bit worried for the fish!
Fortunately, I always use barbless hooks, and I hope this GT would get rid of the lure quickly! That's it, I will come back there...


Lure Fishing (56)


We will have many hits and hard fights, with some other breakages!! Big ones are definitely there, and fights outcome is never sure!


Lure Fishing (55)


Nethertheless, a very nice 25kgs GT was brought out of corals on 50lbs line, thanks to good teamwork between angler and skipper!!


Lure Fishing (53)


Lure Fishing (52)


More pictures added to albums... enjoy!

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